Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cheers to Miswired Human Beings

I've said I want to live my life with more heart rather than with logic.
Because no matter what decision you make on a feeling can not be invalid.
No one can invalidate your feelings. 
Make you feel smaller because you feel differently than another person.

You feel differently, because we all fucking think differently.
We often put line between a woman and a man.
When really the line should be between EVERY person!

We all have different thoughts.
And we all different feelings because of the way we interpret out thoughts.
Let T represent thoughts, and F represent feelings. See the following equation:
However that fucked up math works of millions of neurons working in our brain, you can see that your feelings are dependent on your thoughts, the way you think, and especially your PERCEPTION.

I'm going to go into a "controversial" subject (which I don't know how because from my stand point what the hell?). Why is being gay not legally recognized? How could it be wrong to love? Because of the way you think, you don't understand the way we think?
I've just explained how impossible it is to think the exact same as another person.
To think the EXACT same as someone else, 
You would have to have their same perception, same thought process, 
to create the same thoughts which then would give the same feelings 
IF you had the same way of interpreting thoughts into emotion.
As soon as you meet these requirements, please continue to tell me being gay is wrong.
You can not invalidate an emotion.
DO NOT invalidate homosexual love, because you love with a different fucking thought process.
We are not any less, and we are not anymore.

To help with your interpretation of how I see it. I am trying to illustrate there is nothing different about the gay vs. straight love. Love rings true in the heart of the beholder, saying is not right but hey I am not BUDDHA.
Those feelings are nothing less than heterosexual feelings.
Simply Valid Feelings.

We are ALL (whether gay or straight) mis-wired human beings, because there isn't a "norm" established.
Besides our IDEA of what we THINK normal is. 

Here's the song that made me want to talk about the miswired human beings:
(I like to share my discoveries in music)
Because staying sane is impossible,
Brooke Danae


  1. I always find appreciation for a person who is not gay to be able to wrap their mind around the concept of being able to know the difference between right and wrong,as far as judgment goes, even though they don't have to experience the prejudices first entire problem is that the constitution was written for people to be equal-period.the term gay rights should not even exist, much less have to be fought are such a beautiful person. ;-)

  2. Thank You Shawn!
    I definately thought of you when I wrote this. I know this generation is become more open with homosexuality, I could never imagine what it must have been like being out when it was even less accepted than it is now.
