I haven't known what to talk about,
I've been a little blank....
I apologize again for not writing.
Going along...
I talked to my dad the other day about his beliefs in god/religions.
To say that I am like my dad is an underestimate when it comes to this topic. He put things into words I didn't know how to and I would like to share!
When I am asked about my religious beliefs, I have nothing to say to.
Whether it is my stubborn heart, or my open mind,I don't believe in God in the traditional way.
When talking to my dad, he mentioned his belief of the fourth dimension.
This fourth dimension is where supernatural things/feelings can come from. This dimension to me is unfathomable. Basically, it is all that man cannot comprehend. It has it's own unique laws of "nature". It is the unspoken force bonds between people, the karma that is experienced in a lifetime, and the paranormal phenomena. Phenomena which is inexpiable that often people turn to religion towards for answers.
In math terms, We are X and the physical world we live is Y. But the fourth dimensions is Z, which is represented by infinite possibilities and imaginary numbers. The typical agnostic who doesn't believe in a higher power would simply believe that only two variables control their life. People (x) and the physical world around them (Y). I was this person. I never believed in "fourth dimension". Ghosts were always real to me, but I hadn't put any more thought into what that meant to me spiritually.
I never put more thought into it.Until my mother moved to the Virgin Island. My mother is thousands of miles away. I was experiencing really intense anxiety, then had a bad dream about my mom. The dream signaled me to call her and make sure she was okay. Needless to say, my mother had been in a bad situation at the same time I was experiencing anxiety. How does that feeling occur? How can you feel something is wrong with a loved one thousands of miles away? You can call it a bond between mother and child or you can call it a gut feeling; any justification as to how or why I had anxiety for my mother it is inexplicable. It was a force of nature in the realm of the 4th dimension.
Now that I sound like a psycho...Who believes in the fourth dimension that encompasses all of the inexplicable supernatural phenomena of psychic connections, spiritual beings, and karma (which is actually an idea from Hinduism... I don't take credit for, but yes it is a doctrine of a religion.) I hope that you read this with an open mind, and an open heart. I hope you understand I mean no offense to anyone who practices religion, or frankly has a different set of beliefs than I. We all live our own lives.
Because striving for perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
In case you were wondering...A psychic is someone who can pull information from the 4th dimension; a ghost is simply someone who can communicate to the 3rd dimension from the 4th.
I believe in lots of dimensions! And A Higher Power...God. but after talking to Ken Krugman about some basic math and physics it really made me wonder...do we live in a computer generated reality? You should talk to him about it!