I haven't known what to talk about,
I've been a little blank....
I apologize again for not writing.
Going along...
I talked to my dad the other day about his beliefs in god/religions.
To say that I am like my dad is an underestimate when it comes to this topic. He put things into words I didn't know how to and I would like to share!
When I am asked about my religious beliefs, I have nothing to say to.
Whether it is my stubborn heart, or my open mind,I don't believe in God in the traditional way.
When talking to my dad, he mentioned his belief of the fourth dimension.
This fourth dimension is where supernatural things/feelings can come from. This dimension to me is unfathomable. Basically, it is all that man cannot comprehend. It has it's own unique laws of "nature". It is the unspoken force bonds between people, the karma that is experienced in a lifetime, and the paranormal phenomena. Phenomena which is inexpiable that often people turn to religion towards for answers.
In math terms, We are X and the physical world we live is Y. But the fourth dimensions is Z, which is represented by infinite possibilities and imaginary numbers. The typical agnostic who doesn't believe in a higher power would simply believe that only two variables control their life. People (x) and the physical world around them (Y). I was this person. I never believed in "fourth dimension". Ghosts were always real to me, but I hadn't put any more thought into what that meant to me spiritually.
I never put more thought into it.Until my mother moved to the Virgin Island. My mother is thousands of miles away. I was experiencing really intense anxiety, then had a bad dream about my mom. The dream signaled me to call her and make sure she was okay. Needless to say, my mother had been in a bad situation at the same time I was experiencing anxiety. How does that feeling occur? How can you feel something is wrong with a loved one thousands of miles away? You can call it a bond between mother and child or you can call it a gut feeling; any justification as to how or why I had anxiety for my mother it is inexplicable. It was a force of nature in the realm of the 4th dimension.
Now that I sound like a psycho...Who believes in the fourth dimension that encompasses all of the inexplicable supernatural phenomena of psychic connections, spiritual beings, and karma (which is actually an idea from Hinduism... I don't take credit for, but yes it is a doctrine of a religion.) I hope that you read this with an open mind, and an open heart. I hope you understand I mean no offense to anyone who practices religion, or frankly has a different set of beliefs than I. We all live our own lives.
Because striving for perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
In case you were wondering...A psychic is someone who can pull information from the 4th dimension; a ghost is simply someone who can communicate to the 3rd dimension from the 4th.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
I Apologize For Falling Off the Planet
The last couple weeks I have avoided paper because my thoughts were all about my grandma and were weighing heavy on my heart. I apologize for the break. It is my goal to write once a week.
Now that I am back on the planet. I am gonna blog/talk to you about random thoughts I think.
I'm a Texan girl. But my dream is to live on a Caribbean island with bright blue water and white sand. Everyone that knows TEXAS, knows these are NOT TEXAS BEACHES (although, they are still nice). I often daydream about the day I get off the plane to my new home. Although, there are some things I am gonna miss that are here (my home) but not there.
Now that I am back on the planet. I am gonna blog/talk to you about random thoughts I think.
I'm a Texan girl. But my dream is to live on a Caribbean island with bright blue water and white sand. Everyone that knows TEXAS, knows these are NOT TEXAS BEACHES (although, they are still nice). I often daydream about the day I get off the plane to my new home. Although, there are some things I am gonna miss that are here (my home) but not there.
I have to mail my mother taco bell sauce. My mother's undying love for taco bell, is ridiculous.To say like mother like daughter, would be an understatement. It even endured the morning sickness with her pregnancy with me. In a way, Taco Bell has bonded itself into my cells. Making it REQUIRED for my survival!
Sweet Tea
I hate when other places say they have sweet tea. You order their "sweet" tea, put a straw in it, only to feel a cool breeze on your tongue that is ONLY SWEETENED TEA I don't want SWEETENED TEA I want SWEET TEA. I don't want my sugar ratio 1/10 to tea. I want it like half sugar, half tea. Everyone (I speak for Texans) knows how to make good sweet tea.
BIG Hair
uh, I don't know small hair. At least I can say Texas doesn't use aqua-net anymore. But we do like Aussie(:
Cowboy Boots
JOKE! HA, Got You! You thought this was gonna be like every other Texas Girl blog and mention cowboy boots and sundresses...I still don't own a pair.
Well, this is sad. I get half-way through writing this blog, and I can't think of any things I am gonna miss. You would think this list was longer. But my spirit is a traveling one.
Because striving for perfection for a lifetime is exhaustin',
Brooke Danae
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Barber Shop Talk
Women at the Hair Salon: Complicated Hair Order
Men: On average, two words.
I thought I knew everything about the bro-code. I consider myself to be much bro, so when I learn something new about the male species I am AMAZED.
This week I learned Man-Codes for hair-cuts. My father explained, so if this is a little old school I apologize.
Men: On average, two words.
I thought I knew everything about the bro-code. I consider myself to be much bro, so when I learn something new about the male species I am AMAZED.
This week I learned Man-Codes for hair-cuts. My father explained, so if this is a little old school I apologize.
The Crew Cut
The Flat-Top
The Chilli Bowl
The High & Tight
SO PAUSE. MEN have a standard name for their cut? Even when I explain what I want at the salon, they don't do it right or they take too much off. No wonder all these years we have not been allowed to go into a "barber shop". They don't want women to over-run the shops because barbers only need two word instructions instead of a written and illustrated example of what women want there hair to look like.
After doing more research, these last hair cuts are more recent hair codes for a male haircut.
Boy Band (pre-millennial)
Boy Band Current- any variation of this
My Personal Favorite: The Mullet Flat-Top
Sometimes I wish I had the simplicity of a man at the barber shop.
I wonder if I go into the barbershop and ask for "The Miley" if they will know what I want.
**Tongue not included
Striving for Perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Cheers to Miswired Human Beings
I've said I want to live my life with more heart rather than with logic.
Because no matter what decision you make on a feeling can not be invalid.
No one can invalidate your feelings.
Make you feel smaller because you feel differently than another person.
You feel differently, because we all fucking think differently.
We often put line between a woman and a man.
When really the line should be between EVERY person!
We all have different thoughts.
And we all different feelings because of the way we interpret out thoughts.
Let T represent thoughts, and F represent feelings. See the following equation:
However that fucked up math works of millions of neurons working in our brain, you can see that your feelings are dependent on your thoughts, the way you think, and especially your PERCEPTION.
I'm going to go into a "controversial" subject (which I don't know how because from my stand point what the hell?). Why is being gay not legally recognized? How could it be wrong to love? Because of the way you think, you don't understand the way we think?
I've just explained how impossible it is to think the exact same as another person.
To think the EXACT same as someone else,
You would have to have their same perception, same thought process,
to create the same thoughts which then would give the same feelings
IF you had the same way of interpreting thoughts into emotion.
As soon as you meet these requirements, please continue to tell me being gay is wrong.
You can not invalidate an emotion.
DO NOT invalidate homosexual love, because you love with a different fucking thought process.
We are not any less, and we are not anymore.
To help with your interpretation of how I see it. I am trying to illustrate there is nothing different about the gay vs. straight love. Love rings true in the heart of the beholder, saying is not right but hey I am not BUDDHA.
Those feelings are nothing less than heterosexual feelings.
Simply Valid Feelings.
We are ALL (whether gay or straight) mis-wired human beings, because there isn't a "norm" established.
Besides our IDEA of what we THINK normal is.
Here's the song that made me want to talk about the miswired human beings:
(I like to share my discoveries in music)
Because staying sane is impossible,
Brooke Danae
Monday, February 24, 2014
Run, Run, Run As Fast As You Can...
I don't want to run my entire life.
I don't want to run out of fear to face things.
emotional, philosophical, spiritually.
Our entire lives we run.
We graduate from high school,
book it through college, stopping to study and sleep,
We wake up in debt,
and we work our entire lives.
I am determined to live against the grain.
I am determined to walk, to stroll through life.
Because if we don't find time to enjoy our life,
We will be 80 not able to travel because we shit our pants.

And then, we will have to face all the questions we avoided our entire life.
Because in retirement, you have NOTHING else to do!
I want to live, not just when I'm old.
Actually frankly, if I could be a Dexter Serial Killing Vampire and live forever,
that would be awesome. While we wishing, make me a vampire mermaid that turns when touched with sea water.
This has been random, but get used to being inside of my head, that only thinks outside of the box
Because striving for Perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
I don't want to run out of fear to face things.
emotional, philosophical, spiritually.
Our entire lives we run.
We graduate from high school,
book it through college, stopping to study and sleep,
We wake up in debt,
and we work our entire lives.
I am determined to live against the grain.
I am determined to walk, to stroll through life.
Because if we don't find time to enjoy our life,
We will be 80 not able to travel because we shit our pants.
And then, we will have to face all the questions we avoided our entire life.
Because in retirement, you have NOTHING else to do!
I want to live, not just when I'm old.
Actually frankly, if I could be a Dexter Serial Killing Vampire and live forever,
that would be awesome. While we wishing, make me a vampire mermaid that turns when touched with sea water.
This has been random, but get used to being inside of my head, that only thinks outside of the box
Because striving for Perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Valentine's Day is Near...
The worst fucking holiday is upon us.
I want to hide in my special bomb bunker (shit it is not the 80s anymore, I mean the Apocalypse bunker) to avoid everything that's red, and every desperate girl wanting some romance on this day.
I know I said I want to be more open to love and romance. But I am not going to be open to romance because the day of the year requires me to do so! With this being said, I think this day a lot of people realize some things for themselves. They are not really happy, they are lonely, or god forbid they are a fucking hopeless romantic with no one to spoil.
For most people, you realize just how sad and miserable and lonely your life is on fucking Valentine's Day. It hits you like a freight train. And the next thing you know you are watching Old Romance movies, (or the notebook) stuffing your face with chocolates.
I want to hide in my special bomb bunker (shit it is not the 80s anymore, I mean the Apocalypse bunker) to avoid everything that's red, and every desperate girl wanting some romance on this day.
I know I said I want to be more open to love and romance. But I am not going to be open to romance because the day of the year requires me to do so! With this being said, I think this day a lot of people realize some things for themselves. They are not really happy, they are lonely, or god forbid they are a fucking hopeless romantic with no one to spoil.
For most people, you realize just how sad and miserable and lonely your life is on fucking Valentine's Day. It hits you like a freight train. And the next thing you know you are watching Old Romance movies, (or the notebook) stuffing your face with chocolates.
Why the fuck be unhappy on Valentine's day? In my little life experience, I've learned happiness is a choice. It is not just bestowed upon you by your fairy god mother (although, that would be great). A MAN CANNOT BE YOU FAIRY GODMOTHER ON VALENTINE'S DAY. Let's start being honest with ourselves. Is a date, flowers, and chocolates really gonna make us happy? Is that going to assure us that there is nothing wrong with our lives? These"things" are simply a temporary patch on our lives. (Apparently, a temporary patch everyone uses/does on the same day every year to not feel like...shit)
How about we start being honest with ourselves. What do we really want? I know I sure as hell don't want chocolates or a fucking teddy bear. I want to be happy. Happiness is long journey that takes our entire lives to figure out. So, find something you want for yourself and stop fucking hoping some man is gonna get it for you. Because waiting for a man to do something for you is as pathetic as waiting around for your fairy godmother to grant you a wonderful night with your prince charming. Grab life by the balls, get what you want, do what you want, be who you want. This is not the middle-ages.
Because striving for perfection for a lifetime is exhausting,
Brooke Danae
Monday, February 10, 2014
Welcome to my Head: Moderation of Evil
I kinda jumped into blogging without any kind of statement as to who I am. Why am I speaking in a public forum. Well, my name is Brooke Danae. Welcome to my head outside the box:
Hi, I'm Human. If you're reading this you are either an alien that's learned how to transpose Earth's Internet blogs or a human who clicked on a link from a Girl's Facebook you know. I'm gonna assume if you're reading this, hopefully you are human and you can identify what the fuck I am trying to say about life.
As Humans, you could say we are damned with an evil nature. With the knowledge of good and evil became a hunger for a darker life. A darker life I feel we have to balance with the good side of us. I feel the internal struggle within all people is the struggle of this balance within our lives. Moderation is key. Moderation of evil. Because lets face it, sometimes our lust leads us to serious relationships. There is good in evil, and evil in good. Our world is grey, and our lines are blurred.(If your world is black and white...uhhhh). Judgement should be irrelevant in a grey world, but with all good comes evil.
We're all human. We are all not perfect. Sometimes we indulge on the other side of our fence as "good" (not perfect) people. Without bad things, trouble, there would be no adventure! Call me crazy, a go-getter, kid, or sinner, but you have to have a tad bit of evil in your life to be living your life. I mean, truly do you have best friend that wasn't acquired during a life hiccup. The true test of a person, is how they respond when in trouble. The "Trouble" test can determine a friend, for sometimes a lifetime. What would have happened if your world was black and white, and you never ventured into trouble? You would never have that best friend.
Get into Trouble (weird advice?),
Brooke Danae
P.S. Stop judging the greys! You, Black-And-Whites!! (If you got that, thank you.)
Hi, I'm Human. If you're reading this you are either an alien that's learned how to transpose Earth's Internet blogs or a human who clicked on a link from a Girl's Facebook you know. I'm gonna assume if you're reading this, hopefully you are human and you can identify what the fuck I am trying to say about life.
As Humans, you could say we are damned with an evil nature. With the knowledge of good and evil became a hunger for a darker life. A darker life I feel we have to balance with the good side of us. I feel the internal struggle within all people is the struggle of this balance within our lives. Moderation is key. Moderation of evil. Because lets face it, sometimes our lust leads us to serious relationships. There is good in evil, and evil in good. Our world is grey, and our lines are blurred.(If your world is black and white...uhhhh). Judgement should be irrelevant in a grey world, but with all good comes evil.
We're all human. We are all not perfect. Sometimes we indulge on the other side of our fence as "good" (not perfect) people. Without bad things, trouble, there would be no adventure! Call me crazy, a go-getter, kid, or sinner, but you have to have a tad bit of evil in your life to be living your life. I mean, truly do you have best friend that wasn't acquired during a life hiccup. The true test of a person, is how they respond when in trouble. The "Trouble" test can determine a friend, for sometimes a lifetime. What would have happened if your world was black and white, and you never ventured into trouble? You would never have that best friend.
Get into Trouble (weird advice?),
Brooke Danae
P.S. Stop judging the greys! You, Black-And-Whites!! (If you got that, thank you.)
Sunday, February 9, 2014
The Danger of Logic
Happy Birthday to Me!
I told myself when I got a new laptop I would start to blog again. So here it goes...
I don't know if it is because I am a woman, or because I am just truly indecisive. But making decisions is not my strong suit. College vs. College. Mac VS PC. These questions in life can be methodically explored with logic to find a REASONABLE answer. What happens when you have a question you can't answer? What happens if there is no right or wrong answer to the question? You meticulous logic decision-making process is then irrelevant.
Sure. You can think about everything logically. We all have our pro and cons list. But what happens when there is an equal amount of pros and cons? In the matters of the heart, I love a pros and cons list. I always have. I always wanted to stay rational in love.I never wanted to be swooned and look stupid for losing my breath. This logic decision-making process has "worked" for so long, I don't know how to contemplate my matters of the heart.
At a point you have to realize there are some questions pertaining to life that will be too big for your mind to encompass. Think about who created us. Logically. Okay. So who was the creator's creator? And his Creator? Logic becomes an infinite loop, still unanswered. Especially for this question in life, it requires your heart to think instead of your mind.
I want to think with my heart again. I refuse to be a jade. I want to swoon, and be a hopeless romantic. Because sure "ignorance is bliss"(that's me still bringing logic into my life), but life is not fulfilling unless it has been lived with an open heart rather than a logical outlook. This 20th year of my life. I want to jump, I want to be me, I want to have an open mind. But most importantly, an open heart. Perfection is not life, you must live your life. Striving for perfections for a lifetime can be exhausting.
I told myself when I got a new laptop I would start to blog again. So here it goes...
I don't know if it is because I am a woman, or because I am just truly indecisive. But making decisions is not my strong suit. College vs. College. Mac VS PC. These questions in life can be methodically explored with logic to find a REASONABLE answer. What happens when you have a question you can't answer? What happens if there is no right or wrong answer to the question? You meticulous logic decision-making process is then irrelevant.
Sure. You can think about everything logically. We all have our pro and cons list. But what happens when there is an equal amount of pros and cons? In the matters of the heart, I love a pros and cons list. I always have. I always wanted to stay rational in love.I never wanted to be swooned and look stupid for losing my breath. This logic decision-making process has "worked" for so long, I don't know how to contemplate my matters of the heart.
At a point you have to realize there are some questions pertaining to life that will be too big for your mind to encompass. Think about who created us. Logically. Okay. So who was the creator's creator? And his Creator? Logic becomes an infinite loop, still unanswered. Especially for this question in life, it requires your heart to think instead of your mind.
I want to think with my heart again. I refuse to be a jade. I want to swoon, and be a hopeless romantic. Because sure "ignorance is bliss"(that's me still bringing logic into my life), but life is not fulfilling unless it has been lived with an open heart rather than a logical outlook. This 20th year of my life. I want to jump, I want to be me, I want to have an open mind. But most importantly, an open heart. Perfection is not life, you must live your life. Striving for perfections for a lifetime can be exhausting.
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